Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "X"
XCode1.4.5 on PearPC for Windows
pearpc with OSX 10.3 and xcode, it runs on windows.
X-Folder Icons
A set of over a hundred 2.5D icons, sorted in 5 categories representing: the trash can, files, folders, network disks and internet disks.
X11 SDK 1.1
XTND Developer's Kit 1.3
Xpadder (for Windows)
Xpadder is a Windows program that lets you use your gamepad controller in various emulators, Mac emulators included, such as Basilisk II and SheepShaver.
Xmac (Mini vMac for Xbox Original)
Xmac is an xbox port of minivmac, a mac plus emulator. Author's website (Wayback Machine)
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