Found 70 software entries
beginning with: "T"
The Macintosh Bible (6th Edition)
The Lund Simula System Release 4.11, Freeware version for Macintosh/MPW
The archive file contains a clean installation of MPW 3.3.1 and Lund Simula v. 4.11. Setup disks for MPW and for Lund Simula are not included. Required software: A text processor that can display the RTF format. The documents...
The Dark Bible
Hypercard stack that reference many of the crueler passages of the Bible that most people would like to forget.
The Card Shoppe
The Mac Art Dept.
The Mac Art Dept. is a collection of over 150 graphic images ranging from foods to hands holding signs to borders. Best suited for letterheads, memos, other business use. Excellent manual. MacUser. (May 1986). MiniFinders. (pg. 126). New York,...
The Macintosh Font Book 1989
From the project documentation: Thread Library is a free library, for use by Macintosh software developers, that implements cooperative multiple thread execution within a single application. Thread Library... does not require any...
The Making of Riven: The Sequel to Myst
A bonus CD that came with some editions of Riven, featuring a making of video.
The Dead Mac Scrolls
Dead Mac Scrolls by Larry Pina is a complete guide to fixing your old 1980's Mac by yourself. It covers hardware problems and suggests cost efficient solutions to a very large variety of issues appearing on your early 68K Macintosh,...
The Dover Electronic Clip Art Library - Volume 1
The one-stop resource for Dover Clip Art Hundreds of images in a special book/software package - this may be the only clip art package you'll ever need to buy! And, it's from the world's number one clip art company, Dover...
The Mask: The Origin
The Big Mac Book
The Wind in the Willows
The Codebook
Turkish Localizer
Tiger StartupScreen
StartupScreen system file. Place "StartupScreen" in your system folder and reboot.
Type/Creator Database
Type and creator DB for classic Mac OS. See last known release: TCDB 2003-10
Turbo Pascal Numerical Methods Toolbox
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Typecase Font Foundry for Macintosh
Typecase TrueType and Postscript Fonts Volume 1 and 2
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