Found 53 software entries in Misc beginning with: "S"

Star Trek: Captain's Chair

Star Trek: Captain's Chair (1997)
(Modified on 2023-04-23 16:35:46)

Although Capt. Kirk might have saluted this disc’s realization of its meager goals, it’s far more likely that he would have found its slow multimedia a shameless gimmick from the galaxy Schmuck. Not that walking around the bridges of...

Shining Flower: HikaruHana

Shining Flower: HikaruHana (1993)
(Modified on 2023-05-01 09:24:57)

From Lost-Town and Google Translated from French...   Kikuko Iwano, a Japanese painter tempted by multimedia experiments, was probably involved in this process, and in 1993 a Macintosh CD-ROM titled Hikaru-Hana ( Literally...

Sprite Animation Toolkit

Sprite Animation Toolkit (1998)
(Modified on 2022-12-29 20:54:23)

Sprite Animation Toolkit (SAT) was a popular graphics library used by many games. It supported THINK Pascal, THINK C, and both C and Pascal in CodeWarrior. It required CodeWarrior for creating PPC-native programs. Some games that utilized SAT...

StuffIt Expander 2011 for Windows

StuffIt Expander 2011 for Windows (2011)
(Modified on 2023-05-24 08:04:53)

Stuffit expander is a tool needed to expand .toast.sit files (In essense, .iso files needlessly compressed an archive format that preserves resource forks) and other disk images in formats which do not have a resource fork. Never expand .img...

Star Flight

Star Flight (1985)
(Modified on 2024-03-30 15:04:49)

Star Flight Graphics in TML Pascal By Mike Morton, InfoCom, Cambridge, MA Mike Morton wins $50 for the outstanding program of the month with this feature article. Congratulations Mike! Star Flight: Real-time, 3-D animation on the Mac In...


Sneek-3-View (1995)
(Added on 2022-09-12 06:25:23)

This tool allows to test Quickdraw 3D features and performance. You can select 2 different QD3D compatible devices (3D accelerator & software for example) and test different 3D behaviours. The Tool was part of the Quickdraw 3D development...

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