Found 53 software entries
beginning with: "S"
Star Trek: Captain's Chair
Although Capt. Kirk might have saluted this disc’s realization of its meager goals, it’s far more likely that he would have found its slow multimedia a shameless gimmick from the galaxy Schmuck. Not that walking around the bridges of...
Shining Flower: HikaruHana
From Lost-Town and Google Translated from French... Kikuko Iwano, a Japanese painter tempted by multimedia experiments, was probably involved in this process, and in 1993 a Macintosh CD-ROM titled Hikaru-Hana ( Literally...
Sprite Animation Toolkit
Sprite Animation Toolkit (SAT) was a popular graphics library used by many games. It supported THINK Pascal, THINK C, and both C and Pascal in CodeWarrior. It required CodeWarrior for creating PPC-native programs. Some games that utilized SAT...
Sistem 7.5.3 Yükle [CUSTOM MADE]
1. Kurulum Diskini Takıyoruz 2. Kurulumun Açılmasını Bekliyoruz 3. Sürdür'e Tıklayın 4. Sistemi Kurmak istediğiniz diski Takıyoruz 5. Yükle'ye Tıklayın 6. Tamamlandıktan Sonra İş Bitti'ye...
SKI Folder
Reference to SKI sport, in Italian.
SheepShaver PPC emulator (for Windows + Mac OS X)
SheepShaver is a PowerPC (PPC) emulator which allows you to run Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.0.4 on various platforms, such as on Windows. SheepShaver started as a commercial project in 1998 but is now open source since 2002. SheepShaver is...
SheepShaver ready to go package with MacOS 8.6 (Linux/Windows)
Hey guys, I made a SheepShaver package for you. MacOS 8.6 is already installed and it's a fresh installation with no extra stuff. I will maybe upload a tool disk in the future with some extra software for you. The installation is...
Starships 1.1 - 3D Star Trek Icons
StuffIt Expander 2011 for Windows
Stuffit expander is a tool needed to expand .toast.sit files (In essense, .iso files needlessly compressed an archive format that preserves resource forks) and other disk images in formats which do not have a resource fork. Never expand .img...
Star Flight
Star Flight Graphics in TML Pascal By Mike Morton, InfoCom, Cambridge, MA Mike Morton wins $50 for the outstanding program of the month with this feature article. Congratulations Mike! Star Flight: Real-time, 3-D animation on the Mac In...
This tool allows to test Quickdraw 3D features and performance. You can select 2 different QD3D compatible devices (3D accelerator & software for example) and test different 3D behaviours. The Tool was part of the Quickdraw 3D development...
STRATOS CF AztecMonster
STRATOS CF AztecMonster manual
System Errors DA
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids
C routines for Mac OS X developers
SheepShaver package by
Extract and open hypercard.sheepvm. This should boot Mac OS 9. On the Mac OS 9 desktop there should be a disk called "Unix". This is a virtual disk which actually lets you access files on your computer (eg. outside the emulator)....
Saint Petersbourg - Expédition Patrimoine No 003
Collection de CD s'appuyant sur le programme "Patrimoine 2001", préparant la création d'une banque d'images sur les trésors de l'humanité, promu par le centre UNESCO du Patrimoine...
Scroll II "Earth" (Japanese B&W Clipart)
Scroll II "Earth" is a collection of Japanese B&W clipart created by the Enzan-Hoshigumi Company Japan in 1987. Street prices for this clipart in 1987-1988 ran about $59, which in 2018 dollars is about $128.
Service Source 1993/November
Speech Lib
Library for use with Microsoft QuickBASIC.
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