Found 58 software entries in Misc beginning with: "P"

Pre-Configured PearPC for Windows

Pre-Configured PearPC for Windows (2022)
(Modified on 2022-10-30 16:53:17)

Warning: I do not recommend PearPC for any serious emulation, it's kind of sluggish, has no sound support and only emulates a G3 (You can emulate a G4, but Mac OS hates it)   Setup is easy. Extract the archive and drag the PearPC...

PC MacLAN for Windows

PC MacLAN for Windows (1996)
(Modified on 2022-06-22 17:57:20)

Use this powerful application to connect Windows based PCs with Macintosh computers to make file sharing and printing tasks easier Computers evolve every day in all of their aspects. From design to performance, there's always room for...


Psychedelia (1988)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 11:18:24)

Psychedelia lets you choose a pattern and lets you move the mouse across the screen.  The pattern animates in B&W around your cursor's position. Psychedelia 1.4 comes with 13 animated patterns.  

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