Found 12 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: Development Tools
Mac Game Programming
Are you an avid Mac fan, itching to try your hand at game development on your Mac? If you have a working knowledge of programming, this book is the guide you've been searching for. Covering the components that make up a game and teaching you to...
MPW GCC 2.3.3pr12
This is a port of the GNU C Compiler (GCC) to MPW. It provides only the source code and scripts required to build the compilers.
Mesa Graphics Library
3D graphics library for programmers.
Look up system error codes for an English translation
MacTutor Index
Making It Macintosh
Macintosh CommToolbox 1.1
Multiprocessing & Multitasking SDK
Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Cross-Development Edition for Macintosh
Learn one tool set, increase your user base, and knock months off your development time. With this Visual C++ add-on toolset, you can use up to 90 percent of the code from your Windows-based application to create the same application for the...
Mac OS X Internals (Book Source Files)
The src directory contains the source code for the programming examples in the book Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach by Amit Singh. The source is made available under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Multiprocessing SDK
MacApp 1.1.1
MacApp is a set of object-oriented libraries that implement the standard user interface for the Apple Macintosh in such a way that application programs can be written as extensions to MacApp. MacApp is intended to greatly speed development of...
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