Found 34 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Books & Multimedia
The Macintosh Bible (6th Edition)
The Magic Of Macintosh Programming Graphics and Sound 1986
The Madness of Roland
Time - Man of the Year
Time: Man of the Year CD-ROM introduces you to some of the most influential people of the 20th century. The Man of the Year section recaptures historic TIME cover stories from every Man of the Year issue — from 1927’s Charles...
The Family Doctor 2nd Edition
The Best of The Bureau
The Best of European Soccer - T 019-0028-A
The Making of Riven: The Sequel to Myst
A bonus CD that came with some editions of Riven, featuring a making of video.
The Macintosh Font Book 1989
The Wind in the Willows
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
This CD contains the complete text with indexes and table of contents of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, along with DiscPassage v1.21 to read the files on the disk. Don't be fooled by all the DOS files, just launch the...
The Audible Macintosh
The complete guide to adding and using sound and music for presentations and multimedia on the Mac. Aimed at those needing background and tutorials and also experienced users seeking detailed information, this comprehensive survey contains...
Toy Story Multimedia CD-ROM Press Kit
From back cover: This CD-ROM contains press information, video clips, sound bites and high resolution photography on Walt Disney Pictures' TOY STORY.
The Original MacQuarium
It all started innocently enough. Someone wrote in to MacUser’s Help Folder column (written by yours truly and Bob Levitus truly) with a question regarding “The best way to upgrade a Mac 512.” Seeing an opportunity to make a weak...
The collected
This is a PDF version of the website for off-line reading.
Triumph of the Nerds
The Big Mac Book
The Official Guide to Babylon 5
Sure, this one isn’t as encyclopedic as its Trek equivalent. But then again, J. Michael Straczynski’s new-generation sci-fi series has a lot less material under its belt — just 4 seasons to the Trek franchise’s 20 (not to...
The Princess and the Goblin
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