Found 8 software entries
beginning with: "T"
from category: Clip Art
The Card Shoppe
The Down Under Collection Deluxe
The Halloween CD
Template & Clip for Excel & Word [ja_JP]
The Big Box of Art
The Mac Art Dept.
The Mac Art Dept. is a collection of over 150 graphic images ranging from foods to hands holding signs to borders. Best suited for letterheads, memos, other business use. Excellent manual. MacUser. (May 1986). MiniFinders. (pg. 126). New York,...
The Dover Electronic Clip Art Library - Volume 1
The one-stop resource for Dover Clip Art Hundreds of images in a special book/software package - this may be the only clip art package you'll ever need to buy! And, it's from the world's number one clip art company, Dover...
Tiger StartupScreen
StartupScreen system file. Place "StartupScreen" in your system folder and reboot.
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