Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: Clip Art
Matt and Joe's Cool Screen Backgrounds
Based on Apple Media Tool, using its MediaBrowser part, this Clip Art collection comes with GraphicConverter 2.8 (68k + PPC architecture), both in German language.
A disk containing 130 pictures that can be pasted into MacPaint or MacWrite documents. The pictures are arranged in the following categories: animals, astrology, business, fun, holidays, home, money, nature, people, sports, symbols, and...
Mac OS 8/8.1 Desktop Patterns (Pre 8.5)
Patterns I took from the Desktop Patterns control panel from Mac OS 8.1. These are different from the more widely shared patterns from OS 8/9 (which as far as I can tell were not introduced until Mac OS 8.5) and seem to be harder to find, so I'm...
Mac OS Startup Screens
Instructions: You must have the ResEdit Application. ***Remember to copy all resources*** 1. Copy your System file from your System Folder to the Desktop. (Hold Command+Option and drag the file to your Desktop) 2. Open the MOSS,...
Macintosh II promo graphics (Cray renders)
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3148689 old Mac files, totaling more than 632089.8GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1394 : 276895.2MB
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