Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "B"
from category: For Emulators
Blank floppy disk images (800KB + 1.4MB)
These are blank floppy disk images that you can mount using DiskCopy that is provided with Mac OS, but they are different than the ones you can create with it because they are binary safe and can be transfered anywhere (PC, internet, USB disk,...
Blanks (hard drive files) for Mini vMac
For use with Mini vMac or any emulator supporting raw HFS disk images. This is a variety of disk images with different sizes and types. Disk image sizes include... Apple II floppies: 128K to 896K MFS and HFS floppies: 400K, 800K,...
Basilisk II (Android Build)
Blank hard drive disk images HFS/HFS+ (from 100MB up to 120GB)
All these download files consist of extremely compressed empty disk images for emulators (such as SheepShaver or Basilisk II) that are to be used as hard drive to store files and/or the operating system. Once inflated, they will instantly take...
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3164290 old Mac files, totaling more than 635310.5GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1642 : 376231.2MB
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