Found 93 software entries
from category: Icons
Bogamir's Copland Icon Poop Set [Second edition]
MiniTower Macintosh 2.0 icons
MiniTower Macintosh 2.0 is a set of Mac "towers" or vertical PowerMacs icons. Models include Quadra, Power Macintosh, G3 and G4.
Random Apple icons
Random Apple icons is a collection of 71 icons that represent various Apple hardware and software products, such as the Mac OS X logo, QuickTime, the Airport device, or the PowerMac G4 tower, all stuff from around the year 2000. Unfortunately,...
iMac System Icons (1.0 + 2.0)
iMac System Icons are 2 sets of icons made to perfectly fit the bondi blue theme of the iMac that came out just a couple months after the release of those icons. I find it interesting to see that this artist actually created and released so...
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Icons
CD and CD caddy icons
3 folders containing various colorful CD and CD caddy icons, along with some misc CD hardware/driver icons made by various (and unknown) artists. A few of them are default/generic icons taken from Windows or Mac OS tough.
Movy'cons icons
Movy'cons is a small collection of folder icons, all themed with a movie picture. It was made by an unknown author in 1994.
BeBox Icons
BeBox Icons is a collection of 112 BeBox icons in a ResEdit resource format. Note: The author is unknown and the file creation dates were corrupted at some point, leaving me to only guesstimate it was made around 1996.
Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 + 2
Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 is a collection of computer desktop icons depicting classic monster characters. Each icon was hand drawn and took anywhere from 20 minutes to hours to finish. These icons are stored in "custom icon"...
The Far Side Icons
The Far Side Collection, as the name implies, is a collection of icons based on characters from The Far Side Cartoons by Gary Larson. More Far Side Icons author is unknown and it depicts more icons than the previously mentioned set. Both...
Iconfactory Icon Collection
Adobe CS4 Icon Replacement Set
Contains icons for the following Adobe apps: Adobe Acrobat 8 Adobe Acrobat Distiller Adobe After Effects CS4 Adobe AIR Adobe Bridge CS4 Adobe Contribute CS4 Adobe Device Central CS4 Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Adobe Drive CS4 Adobe...
Adobe CS3 Hi-Res Icon Set
Contains icons for the following Adobe apps: Adobe Acrobat 8 Adobe Acrobat Distiller Adobe After Effects CS3 Adobe AIR Adobe Bridge CS3 Adobe ColdFusion Adobe Contribute CS3 Adobe Device Central CS3 Adobe Director 11 and...
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