Found 5 software entries in Misc beginning with: "B" from category: Icons

Beta Circle Icons

Beta Circle Icons (1999)
(Added on 2017-08-29 13:10:15)

Betan Circle Icons ©1999 Rick Roe & Anne Thissen-Roe See, I was looking at some of my girlfriend's artwork one day, and thought, "Hey! These would make some really cool icons!" Lacking anything better to do (yeah, I'm...

BeBox Icons

BeBox Icons (1996)
(Added on 2017-01-16 11:59:38)

BeBox Icons is a collection of 112 BeBox icons in a ResEdit resource format.   Note: The author is unknown and the file creation dates were corrupted at some point, leaving me to only guesstimate it was made around 1996.  

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