Found 934 software entries
Macintosh Application Environment 1.0 (SPARC-Solaris)
Apple Media Toolkit 6.0
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Interactive Technical Manual (1994)
Last Chance to See
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus
Marvel Comics: X-Men
Elle 2000 recipes
Voyage in Egypt (A.K.A Mysterious Egypt)
Multimedia reference software which explores ancient Egypt. Also explores modern Egypt, to a much lesser extent. Mac only ISO.
The Mask: The Origin
Titanic An Interactive Journey
Iconic Face - a NEW After Dark screensaver
Iconic Face is a NEW After Dark screen saver module. It was written using the After Dark screensaver SDK Version 3.0. Compiled using Symantec (Think) C 7.0 on OS9.0-SheepShaver. I'm running it using After Dark version...
Multimedia World Fact Book
Uncle Josh's Outline Map Collection CD-ROM
Germany is not an island! When I handed my children the map of Germany I downloaded from the internet while studying WWII my oldest daughter ask ‘what island is this?’ The problem was free online maps were “floating” shapes...
Apple Service Manuals pdf collection
Collection of pdf Apple Service Manuals, from 680X0 to G4 desktops, iMacs, eMacs, portables, cameras, scanners, displays, printers, Newtons.
Demo disk by computer graphics artists Matrix Advocates Co., PO Box 1238, Brick, NJ 08723.
MacFormat 01 (March/April 1993) Screengrab Patchwork
MacFormat 18 (Nov. 1994) Magazine & CD
Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man is the band's first exploration of a new kind of album -- what they call an "expanded album". It combines the normal CD format with an interactive CD-ROM track and can be either played on a standard CD-player or...
ARPLE July 1994
ARPLE Apple Reference, Performance & Learning Export 3 CDs from July 1994 fully stuffed with Apple promo material Have fun!

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