Found 934 software entries in Misc

Mac OS 8 Revealed

Mac OS 8 Revealed (1996)
(Modified on 2025-02-08 11:03:31)

Providing the first authoritative information on this new operating system, this book is an essential resource for Macintosh developers who need to study the new architecture in order to make their software Copland-compatible and for system...


ThreadLib (1995)
(Modified on 2024-12-12 10:14:45)

From the project documentation: Thread Library is a free library, for use by Macintosh software developers, that implements cooperative multiple thread execution within a single application. Thread Library... does not require any...

SDL 1.2.13 (Simple DirectMedia Layer)

SDL 1.2.13 (Simple DirectMedia Layer) (0)
(Modified on 2024-12-11 09:32:00)

SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) is a cross-platform development library often used in the development of games. It provides low-level access to audio and graphics hardware, as well as control devices, like the keyboard, mouse, and joystick. It works...

ClarisWorks for Windows 3.0

ClarisWorks for Windows 3.0 (1995)
(Modified on 2024-12-08 12:33:37)

Clarisworks for Wndows 3.0 ENGLISH. 10 diskette images - Program, User Guide, Templates.

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