Found 934 software entries
Mini vMac (Ready to Go on Linux & Windows) w/ System 7.5.5, MacII ROM
Hi Guys, I made a ready to go disk for you, with some software to start with and some games. All software I installed on the disk is from MR. I did this because I was tired of finding the right unstuff software, so I installed SheepShaver...
HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)
HFVExplorer is a very useful Windows tool that can create, format, read and write HFS floppies, hard disks and disk images on a PC. HFVExplorer is especially useful in the case of transfering the first Mac OS to floppy disks in order to...
Mac Intro (Replica)
This is a contribution from Mr. Slomacuser. They did this software in 2012, to remember the best presentation before Powerpoint. On January 24, 1984, PowerPoint had yet to be invented. Apple’s presentation tool and Steve Jobs’...
The Lund Simula System Release 4.11, Freeware version for Macintosh/MPW
The archive file contains a clean installation of MPW 3.3.1 and Lund Simula v. 4.11. Setup disks for MPW and for Lund Simula are not included. Required software: A text processor that can display the RTF format. The documents...
Corel Gallery
Mad Mac Cartoons
Date of Birth - La Lu La Roo
Full rip of CD-Enhanced part of music album La Lu La Roo by Japanese band Date of Birth (uses redbook audio, so you cannot hear copyrighted music on sheepshaver, for example)
The Dark Bible
Hypercard stack that reference many of the crueler passages of the Bible that most people would like to forget.
Apple Service Manuals
.toast file - change to .dmg to view in current Mac hardware.
Macintosh Basics 7
MACINTOCH BASICS 7 Bonjour à tous, _Cette série de 7 disquettes d'installation de Macintosh Basics en version Française ne fonctionne apparement pas avec un processeur PowerPC à moins de posséder une...
Inside Macintosh
Apple Support Documents Compilation (1990 to 2001)
This Apple support documents compilation includes more than 200 scans of manuals and guides for Apple products ranging from 1990 to 2001. Please download the DiskTracker catalog to instantly search for specific files prior to downloading this...
GTK+ 2.10.13 for Basilisk II or SheepShaver on Windows
If Basilisk II for Windows fails to run ("libglib dll is missing" error) you will need to install GTK+. Newer versions of GTK+ may have problems with Basilisk.
SheepShaver ready to go package with MacOS 8.6 (Linux/Windows)
Hey guys, I made a SheepShaver package for you. MacOS 8.6 is already installed and it's a fresh installation with no extra stuff. I will maybe upload a tool disk in the future with some extra software for you. The installation is...
HDD Raw Copy Tool for Windows
HDD Raw Copy is a super simple, free, cloning tool for Windows. It's comparable to DD utility in Linux. With HDD Raw Copy, you can "burn" an old Mac (HFS) disk image onto an USB stick in a matter of seconds and 2 mouse...
Mac OS 7.6.1 FRENCH pre-installed / DSK image for Basilisk II
This is a fresh install of Mac OS 7.6.1 Français for 68K Macs and this DSK image can be used directly for booting up the Basilisk II emulator ;-) In the downloads, there is also another Mac OS 7.6.1 Français DSK image, same version...
Mini vMac DS
This is a Macintosh Plus emulator for the Nintendo DS. It is a port of Paul C. Pratt's Mini vMac, which is base upon upon Richard F. Bannister’s Macintosh port of vMac (originally written by by Philip Cummins and...
Mac OS X 10.0 "Kodiak" Developer Preview 2 Premade QEMU Image
Mac OS X 10.5. Руководство по приручению Леопарда
В этой книге рассказывается об устройстве и использовании Mac OS X 10.5 Леопард. Начав с азов - как обращаться с папками и файлами,...
Remember Jurassic Park? Remember the, "Ah Ah Ah! You didn't say the magic word!" animation that plays when Samuel L. Jackson tries to undo Newman's hacking? It's that. It's just a small little program that plays that...

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