Found 934 software entries
Mac Game Programming
Are you an avid Mac fan, itching to try your hand at game development on your Mac? If you have a working knowledge of programming, this book is the guide you've been searching for. Covering the components that make up a game and teaching you to...
Icon sets by Iron Devil (Tomoyuki Miyano)
Icon sets by Hide Itoh
Apple WWDC 2003 Conference Sessions
Ikthusian arts icons 1/2 (ALIVE, creativejuices, Dog's Life, edibles, geometria_noir/tech, huh, interfacials)
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. The ALIVE set includes 26 colorful cartoon style icons and the creativejuices set includes 8. Dog's Life set contains 23 icons about everything a dog likes. Edibles set is 23...
AppleScript Icons
From the read me file: AppleScript Icons ©1999 Rick Roe Okay, I'll admit it. I'm an AppleScript nut. I've got scripts all over my system doing all sorts of things automagically. My credo is, "Why do something yourself...
PowerMac HD icons 1.2
PowerMac HD icons 1.2 is a collection of 27 colorful icons representing various G3 and G4 Macs, such as: iMacs, iBooks and PowerBooks.
Mac Noir icons (The Breakfast + Skolnick)
Mac Noir - The Breakfast Set and Skolnick are B&W icon sets made by Cindy Yep. They were completely designed and drawn on the Macintosh SE known as "Laslo". Made to promote the lost art of two-tone (black and white only)...
MacFormat 09 (Feb 1994) Magazine & disk
Cartoon Network Icons
MACup macdvd187 (05.2010)
Mac OS 7.5.3 (for emulators)
Mac OS 7.5.3 system software (specifically for emulators, multiple languages available)
MacOS Desktop Patterns/Pictures
Mac destop pictures/tiles from classic OS'S in PNG format for any modern OS See also: Additional Mac OS desktop patterns and pictures
Laurie Anderson's Puppet Motel
Blank hard drive disk images HFS/HFS+ (from 100MB up to 120GB)
All these download files consist of extremely compressed empty disk images for emulators (such as SheepShaver or Basilisk II) that are to be used as hard drive to store files and/or the operating system. Once inflated, they will instantly take...
NeXTSpirit Icons Sets
SheepShaver PPC emulator (for Windows + Mac OS X)
SheepShaver is a PowerPC (PPC) emulator which allows you to run Mac OS 7.5 up to Mac OS 9.0.4 on various platforms, such as on Windows. SheepShaver started as a commercial project in 1998 but is now open source since 2002. SheepShaver is...
"Mac OS 9 for OSX" (SheepShaver for dummies)
This is a zero configuration SheepShaver package for dummies. All the user has to do is launch the program file and the Mac OS 9 emulator boots. There is no ROM to configure and no path to set. It comes with a 4GB virtual hard...
QEMU for Windows - PPC emulator, runs Mac OS 9.1, 9.2 + OSX 10.0 to 10.5
QEMU is a very versatile and extremely broadly supported open source virtual machine emulator. In 2016, QEMU could finally achieve what has never been possible before: emulating Mac OS 9.0.4, 9.1 and 9.2.2 (albeit still it's quite slow and...

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