Found 934 software entries
Grouping of random sets of icons found on the SVMac CD # 4 of July 1995.
Astrid Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking
Pippi CD-ROM includes three delightful stories about Pippi Longstocking with colorful animated characters. Each story can be read and is spoken in 12 different languages! Pippi offers ESL students a marvelous opportunity to switch, page by...
Mac OS 9.2.1 Install Disc for emulators
ATTENTION! This is not an upgrade disc, is a clean install disc for emulators such as QEMU!
retro mac os/os x pack
Contains 2500 icons and default desktop wallpapers from Mac OS X 10.0 to 10.9. Also contains 3 Intel macOS utility apps: cDock - customize the dock LiteIcon - change icons Menu bar tint - get the menu bar tint
NetZero Software Package 2015
MacUser's Custom Icon Pack IV
From the README: January 30, 1997 • The Concept Once upon a time, I (Mark Simmons) was leafing condescendingly through a Windows-oriented publication, when I caught sight of some very good icon craftsmanship — to wit, the...
Книга состоит из трех основных разделов. Первый раздел содержит информацию, предназначенную специально для начинающих...
PC MacLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP (English, German, French, Japanese)
PC MACLAN 9.0 for Windows NT/2K/XP is the newest, and fastest, version of Miramar Systems' award-winning PC MACLAN family of products. This document includes important details about the product. Additionally you will find three exciting...
Meditation Music
Interactive Indian music and visuals. Run it in a window any size you choose. Unlock code: EEAA-CCFF-BBBB-DDEE
Aladdin Expander
Aladdin Expander is a Windows port of Stuffit Expander, a utility for extracting Mac .SIT files. This can be used to open .SIT files that contain floppy/CD-ROM disk images (.TOAST, .ISO .etc) that have been dumped on a Mac, these can be used to...
Hebrew Language Kit
The Hebrew Language Kit software lets you enter, edit and print Hebrew and Yiddish text and switch effortlessly between these languages and the computer's main language. Hebrew and Yiddish can be mixed with left-to-right languages in the same...
Dynamic Graphics Charter Subscriber CD
Matt and Joe's Cool Screen Backgrounds
Adobe Type Basics
Shining Flower: HikaruHana
From Lost-Town and Google Translated from French... Kikuko Iwano, a Japanese painter tempted by multimedia experiments, was probably involved in this process, and in 1993 a Macintosh CD-ROM titled Hikaru-Hana ( Literally...
The Macintosh Bible (6th Edition)
Star Trek: Captain's Chair
Although Capt. Kirk might have saluted this disc’s realization of its meager goals, it’s far more likely that he would have found its slow multimedia a shameless gimmick from the galaxy Schmuck. Not that walking around the bridges of...
A Night To Remember
AppleDesign [BOOK]
To celebrate Apple's twentieth anniversary, AppleDesign provides a rare inside look at the Industrial Design Group, examining the role this small team of creative individuals has played in the rise of Apple from a Silicon Valley garage to a...

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