Found 9 software entries in Misc beginning with: a number from category: Fonts

100 TrueType Fonts MacSoft CD

100 TrueType Fonts MacSoft CD (1995)
(Modified on 2024-12-03 20:40:59)

This CD contains the following 100 True Type fonts for Macintosh: Alien Bold Amphi Normal Andy Bold Armstrong Cursive Normal Arrow Ornaments Medium Atlantis Medium Bamboo Caps Basic BigBlox Black Bear Bold BlackWick...

1990's fontz collection

1990's fontz collection (1998)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 11:14:47)

A collection of well over 6000 PostScript fonts scraped from all around the internet back in 1998.  This huge 1990's fonts collection comes from the HolyGrail warez CD compilation. Note: Please download the "fontz" collection...

1000s of Fonts for Macintosh

1000s of Fonts for Macintosh (1994)
(Modified on 2023-07-21 14:38:49)

Dump of a font compilation CD I found in a bargain bin clearance. I haven't been able to find much information about it online. According to the read me, the CD contains: 680 Type 1 fonts for Macintosh 520 TrueType fonts for...

60 Random Fonts

60 Random Fonts (0)
(Modified on 2020-03-15 06:08:38)

Contains: Akzidenz Grotesk aperto aperto - linotype AvantGarde Battlestar Bauhaus Bible Script Bodoni Family Californian - Font Bureau CCDivineRight Century Gothic DIN Eurostile FF DAX FFGothic Figheadh T1 Franklin...

6000 Mac Fonts

6000 Mac Fonts (0)
(Modified on 2020-03-14 19:11:24)

Contains: 6809chargen a.d.-mono-tt-t1 Folder A.LewisTrueType AbductV3 Folder Acid Bath Action Is (PS/TT) airboytt Folder AlanDen(TT)Folder alientt Folder allhearts-tt Folder Alphabetf amarillousaftt Folder Ambrosia...

220 Abobe Free Type 1 Typefaces

220 Abobe Free Type 1 Typefaces (1995)
(Modified on 2018-08-01 12:03:28)

This Adobe CD contains those fonts in various declinations in both PostScript format and font suitcase for classic Mac OS: American Typewriter, ITC Avant Garde Gothic 1, ITC Bauhaus, ITC Benguiat Gothic, ITC Benguiat/Friz Quadrata,...

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