Found 29 software entries
beginning with: "W"
World Wide Web Yellow Pages, 1997 Edition
WordPerfect Clip Art Premium Collection
Wade's Copeland Icons
Wade's Copeland 3D style Icon pack made with Folder Icon Maker.
Wrapture Reels One
WordPerfect Clip Art Business Pack
Whole Earth Software
The Whole Earth Software Catalog and The Whole Earth Software Review (1984–1985) were two publications produced by Stewart Brand's Point Foundation as an extension of the Whole Earth Catalog. -...
WebKit 1.0 SDK
Worm is an old Macintosh Plus emulator, an alternative to Mini vMac. Worm was created by the author of SoftMac to kind of "show up" Mini vMac (then vMac).
Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species
Will We Miss Them? Endangered Species (Laser Resources Inc. – ages 3-12) has a noble purpose: to focus children’s attention and interest on 13 endangered species like the Bald Eagle, the Blue Whale, and the Mountain Gorilla. Billed as...
When Annie became Macintosh
Collection of early documents about the Macintosh. The pdf files are a random crop originating from 1979 to 1987.
Wild Places
An Interactive Picture Book for you to Explore, Discover, Enjoy and Clip!
Windows Printer Disks for Apple LaserWriters
Windows printer software for Apple LaserWriter printers with PostScript, version 2.1.1. The downloads are disk images of the Win floppy disks.
WetPaint Classic Clip-Art
Wallace & Gromit Icons
Wine, Spirits & Beer
Windows Cyrillic Fonts 1.15
WASTE is a WorldScript™-Aware Styled Text Engine for the Macintosh which can be used as the basis for simple to moderately complex applications dealing with styled text. WASTE has been designed from the very beginning to be compatible...
WASTE (WorldScript-Aware Styled Text Engine) is a text editing library that made it easier for developers to incorporate text display and editing features into their programd. While previous versions utilize WorldScript technology, WASTE 3...
You can view the FPS of a 3D scene and rotate the camera automatically. The user can see the current FPS when the mousebutton is pressed in the shown scene.
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