Found 72 software entries
beginning with: "T"
The Macintosh Bible (6th Edition)
The Lund Simula System Release 4.11, Freeware version for Macintosh/MPW
The archive file contains a clean installation of MPW 3.3.1 and Lund Simula v. 4.11. Setup disks for MPW and for Lund Simula are not included. Required software: A text processor that can display the RTF format. The documents...
The Dark Bible
Hypercard stack that reference many of the crueler passages of the Bible that most people would like to forget.
The Card Shoppe
The Great International Paper Airplane Construction Kit
The Great International Paper Airplane Construction Kit lets MacPaint users create customized versions of some of the world's best paper airplanes. The kit consists of a disk of MacPaint files with basic designs and decorations for custom...
From the project documentation: Thread Library is a free library, for use by Macintosh software developers, that implements cooperative multiple thread execution within a single application. Thread Library... does not require any...
Twin Peaks icons
Trilobite Icon
The Mask: The Origin
Titanic An Interactive Journey
The collected
This is a PDF version of the website for off-line reading.
The Big Mac Book
Toy Story Multimedia CD-ROM Press Kit
From back cover: This CD-ROM contains press information, video clips, sound bites and high resolution photography on Walt Disney Pictures' TOY STORY.
The Codebook
Triumph of the Nerds
The Mummy Icons
The Tick: The Tick vs. the Uncommon Cold
OK, the Fox network’s cartoon crime fighter, the Tick, takes to the even smaller screen in this CD-ROM version of the Saturday morning show that pits the superhero gainst a tough cold as well as a snotty alien bent on (you guessed it), world...
The Wind in the Willows: An Interactive Adventure
Time - Man of the Year
Time: Man of the Year CD-ROM introduces you to some of the most influential people of the 20th century. The Man of the Year section recaptures historic TIME cover stories from every Man of the Year issue — from 1927’s Charles...
Two Thousand Fonts
2000 Truetype and Type 1 fonts for Macintosh!
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3342482 old Mac files, totaling more than 675260.5GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1685 : 320290.6MB
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