Found 16 software entries in Misc beginning with: "S" from category: Books & Multimedia

Shining Flower: HikaruHana

Shining Flower: HikaruHana (1993)
(Modified on 2023-05-01 09:24:57)

From Lost-Town and Google Translated from French...   Kikuko Iwano, a Japanese painter tempted by multimedia experiments, was probably involved in this process, and in 1993 a Macintosh CD-ROM titled Hikaru-Hana ( Literally...

Star Trek: Captain's Chair

Star Trek: Captain's Chair (1997)
(Modified on 2023-04-23 16:35:46)

Although Capt. Kirk might have saluted this disc’s realization of its meager goals, it’s far more likely that he would have found its slow multimedia a shameless gimmick from the galaxy Schmuck. Not that walking around the bridges of...

Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion

Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion (1996)
(Modified on 2024-03-31 10:50:06)

Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library. Includes the Original Scripts and Video Trailers for All 178 Episodes. For seven seasons, Star Trek: The Next Generation captivated audiences with its eye-popping special...

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