Found 16 software entries
beginning with: "S"
from category: Books & Multimedia
Shining Flower: HikaruHana
From Lost-Town and Google Translated from French... Kikuko Iwano, a Japanese painter tempted by multimedia experiments, was probably involved in this process, and in 1993 a Macintosh CD-ROM titled Hikaru-Hana ( Literally...
Star Trek: Captain's Chair
Although Capt. Kirk might have saluted this disc’s realization of its meager goals, it’s far more likely that he would have found its slow multimedia a shameless gimmick from the galaxy Schmuck. Not that walking around the bridges of...
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Interactive Technical Manual (1994)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion
The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion was a CD-ROM release containing scripts and video trailers for every episode of the series. The Companion was later included as part of the Star Trek: Federation Gift Pak. - (Memory...
Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library. Includes the Original Scripts and Video Trailers for All 178 Episodes. For seven seasons, Star Trek: The Next Generation captivated audiences with its eye-popping special...
Star Trek Voyager Marketing CD-ROM
ScruTiny in the Great Round
Star Trek Omnipedia
Superboy: Spies from Outer Space
Saint Petersbourg - Expédition Patrimoine No 003
Collection de CD s'appuyant sur le programme "Patrimoine 2001", préparant la création d'une banque d'images sur les trésors de l'humanité, promu par le centre UNESCO du Patrimoine...
Sound Library 2000
Steel Wood 2: Private Eye
Superman: The Mysterious Mr. Mist
SIMM Stack
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