Found 51 software entries in Misc beginning with: "M" from category: Books & Multimedia

MACup Russian Edition

MACup Russian Edition (2001)
(Modified on 2024-12-09 01:39:34)

Журнал MACup Russian Edition - российская версия популярного европейского издания MACUP Magazin (издательство Redtec Publishing GmbH, Германия). Журнал посвящен...


Mac OS X. UNIX для ВСЕХ (2002)
(Modified on 2023-10-26 09:49:32)

Книга состоит из трех основных разделов. Первый раздел содержит информацию, предназначенную специально для начинающих...

Mac Game Programming

Mac Game Programming (2002)
(Modified on 2019-01-07 22:35:46)

Are you an avid Mac fan, itching to try your hand at game development on your Mac? If you have a working knowledge of programming, this book is the guide you've been searching for. Covering the components that make up a game and teaching you to...

Marvel Comics: Fantastic Four

Marvel Comics: Fantastic Four (1995)
(Modified on 2023-11-09 18:24:39)

Soar the cosmos with classic tales of the Fantastic Four as they battle the world devourer Galactus when he chases his errant herald, Terrax the Tamer, to Earth. This sense-shattering issue is reproduced with computer coloring and includes bios and...

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