Found 33 software entries
beginning with: "M"
from category: Manuals, Scans & Books
MACup Russian Edition
Журнал MACup Russian Edition - российская версия популярного европейского издания MACUP Magazin (издательство Redtec Publishing GmbH, Германия). Журнал посвящен...
Книга состоит из трех основных разделов. Первый раздел содержит информацию, предназначенную специально для начинающих...
MacFormat 01 (March/April 1993) Screengrab Patchwork
MacFormat 18 (Nov. 1994) Magazine & CD
Macintosh DA-15 to VGA DE-15 video adapters
These are adapters to convert the video signal from your old Macintosh to a suitable output for a more modern VGA monitor. Both standard VGA and Macintosh video are D-subminiature connectors with 15 pins, and both are commonly called DB-15, ...
MacFormat 20 (Jan. 95) magazine
Micron Xceed Gray-scale 30 INSTALLATION GUIDE
MacFormat 13 (Jun. 1994)
Micron Xceed MacroColor 30 INSTALLATION GUIDE
Full installation guide (keyword searchable PDF) for the 24-bit PDS video card for the Apple Macintosh SE/30. This guide applies to the MacroColor 30 and MacroColor 30HR video cards.
Back issues of the MacUser magazine for the year 1995 in PDF format. Not scanned, but true vector PDF's by MacUser.
MDD hard drive caddy design
This is an MDD hard drive caddy. It was designed to allow you to use the Kingwin SATA -> PATA adapter (possibly others) or your normal SATA controller. If you move the Mac around, you should consider using a screw in the top as it does not...
MacFormat 03 (Aug. 1993)
MacFormat 07 (Dec. 1993)
Magazine: nibble mac 1987-03 PDF
MacUser Premiere UK
MacUser was a monthly (formerly biweekly) computer magazine published by Dennis Publishing Ltd. and licensed by Felden in the UK. It ceased publication in 2015. The UK magazine was aimed at Mac users in the design sector, and each issue brought...
MacWorld 8510 October 1985
Without mass storage that every Macintosh can access, your networked office won't have a prayer. Because you'll still have to share data by swapping floppies. And just consider how fast a floppy disk fills up with an entire workgroup...
Motorola Freescale 68040 Microprocessors User's Manual
MacFormat 21 (Feb. 1995) Magazine
MacFormat 23 (April 1995)
MacFormat 88 (Mar. 2000)
MacFormat Issue 88, published March 2000.
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