Found 2 software entries in Misc beginning with: "H" from category: For Windows

HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)

HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows) (1997)
(Modified on 2024-12-01 14:39:25)

HFVExplorer is a very useful Windows tool that can create, format, read and write HFS floppies, hard disks and disk images on a PC.  HFVExplorer is especially useful in the case of transfering the first Mac OS to floppy disks in order to...

HDD Raw Copy Tool for Windows

HDD Raw Copy Tool for Windows (2005)
(Modified on 2020-07-23 19:48:36)

HDD Raw Copy is a super simple, free, cloning tool for Windows.  It's comparable to DD utility in Linux.  With HDD Raw Copy, you can "burn" an old Mac (HFS) disk image onto an USB stick in a matter of seconds and 2 mouse...

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