Found 22 software entries
beginning with: "G"
Galaxy is probably the smallest (1.7KB !!) program for Mac from 1985. All it does is display moving white dots almost identical to the 1992 Windows 3.1 screensaver called "Starfield". There is absolutely nothing else to it, no...
Grande Atlante del Corpo Umano
GTK+ 2.10.13 for Basilisk II or SheepShaver on Windows
If Basilisk II for Windows fails to run ("libglib dll is missing" error) you will need to install GTK+. Newer versions of GTK+ may have problems with Basilisk.
Greg's Icon Collection
Gingerbread Man
The Gingerbread Man is the band's first exploration of a new kind of album -- what they call an "expanded album". It combines the normal CD format with an interactive CD-ROM track and can be either played on a standard CD-player or...
Greg's Icons
Set of Icons by Greg Salter published on June 21, 1995.
Girl 1
Garfield icons
GURU 2.x
GURU is the best guide to RAM upgrades for every Macintosh computer and provides extensive technical memory information for those devices. GURU stands for GUide to RAM Upgrades. When it comes down to upgrading your Mac, the...
Goethe in Weimar
Graph 3D lib
Library for Microsoft QuickBASIC.
Grafix EPS Collection
Good Icons
Gemulator Explorer 2.03
Gemulator Explorer is a very old and free Windows program that can read and write Mac and Atari floppy disks (obviousl, only 1.4MB floppies, not 800KB or 400KB). Useful for backing up 1.4MB Mac floppies or to write them back to a real floppy...
Guida alle applicazioni Macintosh by JCE 2° edizione
Getting Started with Mac OS X version 10.2, Self-Paced & Practice Files (CD)
Getting Started with Mac OS X v10.2 Self-Paced & Practice Files (CD)
Gilligan's Island icon pack
This is an icon pack of 10 Gilligan Island characters and props.
GomerFun renders a couple colorful patterns across the entire screen (altough, since resolutions in 1986 were not that high, some patterns obviously won't fill 1024x768). Not much information available on this very old piece of software,...
Great Literature
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