Found 4 software entries
beginning with: "D"
from category: Books & Multimedia
Dennis Miller: That's Geek to Me
Before the kids and the mortgage and a job that requires a tie, there was Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update with Dennis Miller, the coolest newscaster to hit the airwaves in the 90s. In this title, Miller makes fun of technology in an...
Design Classics - The Apple Macintosh 1996 1983, a product called Mac XL — or Lisa — appeared on the market. It cost a good $10,000 in the United States and was supposed to ring in a new generation of computers. However, Lisa was destined to remain the failed predecessor...
DigitalVision Elements of Nature (w/ Kudo Catalog Reader)
Contains the Kudo Catalog Reader and 100 photos of nature duplicated in small, medium and high resolution. Keep in mind that "high resolution" digitized photo back in 1997 didn't mean high quality by nowadays...
Drivin' Route 66
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3343899 old Mac files, totaling more than 675545.7GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1892 : 377587.5MB
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