Found 6 software entries
beginning with: "C"
from category: Mac Info & Literature
Claris Information Source
c'thema 02 & 04 Mac
The C't magazine published by Heise is a magazine with excellent knowledge about hardware as well as software. It handles topics for all OSs. Apple computers as well as MacOS also had a place in their articles. the 04 CD holds all articles of...
CDRM1058160,AppleLink. The best of AppleLink on CD Spring '93 Promo Edition (Not for sale)
Copland Literature
Cinema Paradiso (Apple QuickTime Demo Germany)
Contains a lot of 1980's and 1990's TV and radio ads from Apple, pictures, QuickTime VR scenes, songs and other promotional material. Note: The CD itself was for Germany and root folders are named in German, but all multimedia files are...
CompuServe Index v2.0
This is a HyperCard stack containing a detailed index about these CompuServe entries from 1992: Abacus / ABACUS ABC Worldwide Hotel Guide / ABC Academic American Encyclopedia / ENCYCLOPEDIA Access Softek / WINAPA Access Technology...
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