Found 6 software entries in Misc beginning with: "C" from category: Icons

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 + 2

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 + 2 (1999)
(Modified on 2017-09-06 09:34:12)

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 is a collection of computer desktop icons depicting classic monster characters. Each icon was hand drawn and took anywhere from 20 minutes to hours to finish.  These icons are stored in "custom icon"...

CD and CD caddy icons

CD and CD caddy icons (1995)
(Added on 2017-08-23 13:14:14)

3 folders containing various colorful CD and CD caddy icons, along with some misc CD hardware/driver icons made by various (and unknown) artists.  A few of them are default/generic icons taken from Windows or Mac OS tough.  

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