Found 917 software entries in Misc

The Mac Art Dept.

The Mac Art Dept. (1985)
(Modified on 2023-01-27 07:34:12)

The Mac Art Dept. is a collection of over 150 graphic images ranging from foods to hands holding signs to borders. Best suited for letterheads, memos, other business use. Excellent manual. MacUser. (May 1986). MiniFinders. (pg. 126). New York,...

QuickDraw 3D 2.0 Sneek Preview

QuickDraw 3D 2.0 Sneek Preview (1995)
(Modified on 2023-01-20 22:50:31)

This software is a demonstration of QD3D features and implements a simple 3D application. You can create a 3D scene with simple 3D-objects (primitves) or import a scene. 3D Objects can be pasted from any othe QD3D application as well. This one of...


Mesmer (1987)
(Added on 2017-11-14 18:18:15)

Mesmer draws colorful sinusoidal function lines on the right half of the screen and then cycles through the colors along those lines. To end the simulation, click the mouse and wait for 10-15 seconds until the cycle is complete.  It will...

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts!

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts! (1984)
(Modified on 2023-01-27 07:27:18)

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts! contains over two dozen new fonts. Some of these (Paris and Stuttgart, for example are real stunners). If you do a lot of word processing try Paris 9 point (it's a big 9 point) as your text face and use high quality...

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 + 2

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 + 2 (1999)
(Modified on 2017-09-06 09:34:12)

Classic Monster Icons Vol. 1 is a collection of computer desktop icons depicting classic monster characters. Each icon was hand drawn and took anywhere from 20 minutes to hours to finish.  These icons are stored in "custom icon"...

Inside Macintosh 1992-1994

Inside Macintosh 1992-1994 (1992)
(Modified on 2023-11-04 20:02:19)

Inside Macintosh books in PDF format. The Inside Macintosh library of books is a complete technical reference to the system software provided for Macintosh computers by Apple Computer, Inc. You’ll need some or all of the Inside...

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