Found 917 software entries in Misc

QuickDraw 3D 2.0 Sneek Preview

QuickDraw 3D 2.0 Sneek Preview (1995)
(Modified on 2023-01-20 22:50:31)

This software is a demonstration of QD3D features and implements a simple 3D application. You can create a 3D scene with simple 3D-objects (primitves) or import a scene. 3D Objects can be pasted from any othe QD3D application as well. This one of...


EditCard (1999)
(Added on 2020-03-10 05:50:32)

This is a stack that simulates information-card of 5x8 size or B6.   With Hypertext function in it, you can create a mini database. With text editing functions,stack becomes word-processor like card-editor. In spite of its simple outlook,it...

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