Found 917 software entries in Misc

22,000 Animated Gifs

22,000 Animated Gifs (2001)
(Modified on 2024-02-14 17:18:49)

22,000 Animated Gifs is an .iso image that contains thousands of gifs. They are organized into folders and can also be viewed using a web browser via the start.htm file. A great deal of the .iso contains animated letters. The rest of the...

Fusion PC

Fusion PC (1998)
(Modified on 2024-02-29 18:01:49)

Fusion PC 3.0 is a 68K emulator for DOS. It emulates 68K Mac OS (Mac OS 8 and 7 are shown in the screenshots). Fusion PC will also run in a DOS window under Windows 95 or 98.


Psychedelia (1988)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 11:18:24)

Psychedelia lets you choose a pattern and lets you move the mouse across the screen.  The pattern animates in B&W around your cursor's position. Psychedelia 1.4 comes with 13 animated patterns.  

Apple Facts

Apple Facts (1993)
(Modified on 2017-04-22 00:47:29)

Apple Facts is an overview of nearly every 68k Mac and contemporary printers, peripherals and other accessories.   Just Double-Click the document "Apple Facts"

Eyewitness Virtual Reality: Cat

Eyewitness Virtual Reality: Cat (1996)
(Modified on 2023-04-09 16:13:14)

DK Multimedia finally lets the cat out of the bag with a feline exposition filled with so many facts on your favorite little fuzzball that cat lovers will be purring with satisfaction. Discover just how your cat’s ancestors traded in a life...

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