Found 917 software entries in Misc

Macintosh Basics 7

Macintosh Basics 7 (1991)
(Modified on 2018-08-19 12:35:05)

MACINTOCH BASICS 7 Bonjour à tous, _Cette série de 7 disquettes d'installation de Macintosh Basics en version Française ne fonctionne apparement pas avec un processeur PowerPC à moins de posséder une...

HDD Raw Copy Tool for Windows

HDD Raw Copy Tool for Windows (2005)
(Modified on 2020-07-23 19:48:36)

HDD Raw Copy is a super simple, free, cloning tool for Windows.  It's comparable to DD utility in Linux.  With HDD Raw Copy, you can "burn" an old Mac (HFS) disk image onto an USB stick in a matter of seconds and 2 mouse...

Mini vMac DS

Mini vMac DS (2008)
(Modified on 2024-02-24 18:02:07)

This is a Macintosh Plus emulator for the Nintendo DS. It is a port of Paul C. Pratt's Mini vMac, which is base upon upon Richard F. Bannister’s Macintosh port of vMac (originally written by by Philip Cummins and...


Nedry (2023)
(Modified on 2023-06-23 15:33:01)

Remember Jurassic Park? Remember the, "Ah Ah Ah! You didn't say the magic word!" animation that plays when Samuel L. Jackson tries to undo Newman's hacking? It's that. It's just a small little program that plays that...

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