Found 917 software entries in Misc


Galaxy (1985)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 11:18:56)

Galaxy is probably the smallest (1.7KB !!) program for Mac from 1985.  All it does is display moving white dots almost identical to the 1992 Windows 3.1 screensaver called "Starfield".  There is absolutely nothing else to it, no...

Mini vMac for Raspberry Pi / Retropie

Mini vMac for Raspberry Pi / Retropie (2018)
(Modified on 2019-07-27 14:20:13)

Below are 2 up to date (as of this writing; 36.04) Mini vMac binaries to replace the one that ships with Retropie 4.5 (current version as of writing this). The first binary replaces the B&W Mac Plus emulator (v3.3.3 from 2013) which in my...

AppleScript Icons

AppleScript Icons (1999)
(Added on 2017-09-03 17:14:30)

From the read me file: AppleScript Icons ©1999 Rick Roe Okay, I'll admit it. I'm an AppleScript nut. I've got scripts all over my system doing all sorts of things automagically. My credo is, "Why do something yourself...

Sprite Animation Toolkit

Sprite Animation Toolkit (1998)
(Modified on 2022-12-29 20:54:23)

Sprite Animation Toolkit (SAT) was a popular graphics library used by many games. It supported THINK Pascal, THINK C, and both C and Pascal in CodeWarrior. It required CodeWarrior for creating PPC-native programs. Some games that utilized SAT...

Vintage Snow Leopard Books

Vintage Snow Leopard Books (2009)
(Modified on 2023-02-07 07:24:02)

Apple Training Series: Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.6 Enterprise Mac Security: Mac OS X Snow Leopard Mac Basics, Snow Leopard Edition Mac OS X Snow Leopard (SuperPoche) Mac OS X Snow Leopard Digital Classroom Mac OS X Snow Leopard For...

Mac Plus floppy with games

Mac Plus floppy with games (1986)
(Modified on 2019-06-11 10:33:17)

Bootable 800KB floppy disk image for Mac Plus and up (or Mini vMac). Contains System 6.0.5, Finder 6.1.5 Games: Frenzy, Kid Pix 1.0, Lode Runner 1.0, Mac Pong II, MacBugs, MemMgr, Mine Sweeper, Missle Command 3.0 Apps: MacWrite 1.6, Icon...

MacUser's Custom Icon Pack IV

MacUser's Custom Icon Pack IV (1997)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 08:05:39)

From the README: January 30, 1997 • The Concept Once upon a time, I (Mark Simmons) was leafing condescendingly through a Windows-oriented publication, when I caught sight of some very good icon craftsmanship — to wit, the...

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