Found 44 software entries
from category: Visual Arts & Graphics
The Multiple Media Tour
Year: 1992
(Modified on 2023-05-19 23:42:49)
10000 Photos
Year: 1999
(Modified on 2024-02-14 17:17:19)
Various Paint and Desktop Patterns
Year: 0
(Modified on 2023-09-28 08:07:37)
A collection of patterns, which were extracted from various programs like MacPaint and Kid Pix Studio (both Mac and PC versions). Includes desktop patterns as well.
Crystal Pictures - Fantasy
Year: 1995
(Modified on 2023-05-13 22:42:29)
To date, Macintosh Repository served 3168582 old Mac files, totaling more than 636401.2GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1765 : 498829.1MB
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