Found 44 software entries
from category: Visual Arts & Graphics
ClarisWorks for Windows 1.0
ClarisWorks for Windows 4.0
Template & Clip for Excel & Word [ja_JP]
Swiss Publisher CD
Around 1300 graphics, logos, insignia, maps and pictograms.
ClarisDraw 1.0Bv1 & ClarisImpact 2.0Bv1 for Windows
Macintosh II promo graphics (Cray renders)
SwivelArt is an ideal package to begin with if you're exploring 3-D modeling for the first time. It's a $125 clip-art collection, combined with a read-only version of Swivel 3D. You can't create any new objects, but the package provides...
The Big Box of Art
High Techtures
TECHTURIZED TREATS FOR THE GRAPHICS ENTHUSIAST OR WEB PAGE DESIGNER High Techtures is a graphic design toolkit which features unique and original texture and backdrop images. Created and produced exclusively by Pacific Media WorX,...
Lexmark Print Gallery Collection
3D models collection for Infini-D
A collection of 3D models, animations and scenes for Infini-D. Works well with Infini-D 2.6 and up, but it's possible to load some models with older versions.
Another eclectic QuickTime collection See also: BMUG TV-ROM Too Update
BMUG TV-ROM Too Update
Berkeley MUG TV-ROM is a CD-ROM featuring quicktime format media from "back in the day" See also: BMUG TV-ROM Too
Image Club Graphics Sampler 2.2
1078 Weird Textures
Kodak Photo CD Photo Sampler
Key Photos
An Amiga style demo. Contains rapid flashing colors.
Norman Bosworth Photography Series Volume 2
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