Found 32 software entries
from category: Reference
Apple Reference and Presentations Library Reseller Edition v2.0
Apple Reference and Presentations Library Reseller Edition v1.0
StarGazer's Delight
Maps of the stars and planets.
Rainbow Stock Photo Collections
Miscellaneous Apple Schematics
Vintage System 7.x Books (1991-1997)
Guide to Macintosh System 7.5.5 (1996) Introduction to Macintosh System 7 (1991) Mac OS 7.6 For Dummies (1997) Macintosh System 7 at Your Fingertips (1992) Macintosh System 7.5 For Dummies (1994) Macworld Mac OS 7.6 Bible (1997) Macworld...
Voyage in Egypt (A.K.A Mysterious Egypt)
Multimedia reference software which explores ancient Egypt. Also explores modern Egypt, to a much lesser extent. Mac only ISO.
The Best of The Bureau
Multimedia Audubon's Mammals
Countries of the World
Parenting: Prenatal to Preschool
The Family Doctor 3rd Edition
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