Found 30 software entries in Misc from category: Reference

Dark Forces FAQ

Dark Forces FAQ (1996)
(Modified on 2024-01-11 19:12:55)

This is version 1.0 of the Mac Port of the Dark Forces FAQ by Karsten A. Loepelmann. In this version I did no modifications to the text except coloring PC only information magenta :P. In the future I might add buttons and stylized text but the...

Apple Pippin @World User Manual

Apple Pippin @World User Manual (1996)
(Modified on 2022-12-06 18:20:57)

This is the manual for the Apple Pippin @World manufactured by Bandai. This manual can also be used for the ATMARK, which has the same hardware specification as the @World. Another Pippin was made by KATZ, which focussed on the European and...

c'thema 02 & 04 Mac

c'thema 02 & 04 Mac (2000)
(Modified on 2022-06-04 14:56:30)

The C't magazine published by Heise is a magazine with excellent knowledge about hardware as well as software. It handles topics for all OSs. Apple computers as well as MacOS also had a place in their articles. the 04 CD holds all articles of...

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