Found 55 software entries
from category: Development Tools
Mesa Graphics Library
3D graphics library for programmers.
Learn C++ on the Macintosh (Symantec C++ Programming For The Macintosh)
HyperCard 2.4 Manuals
Software manuals (Oh for those halcyon paper-based days!) are needed for any intelligent use of HyperCard. These three cover the final (2.4) version of HyperCard c. 1996-98.
AIFF DSP Framework
System Errors 7.x
YP Vernier
With YP Vernier, it is easy to learn how to use a vernier to measure length with great precision. YP Vernier simulates a vernier caliper on the screen. Using a scroll bar, the user moves the movable jaw, and the corresponding numerical...
SpriteWorld 2
SpriteWorld is a collection of routines Mac programmers can use to implement smooth, fast sprite animation in games and other applications. SpriteWorld 2 is an updated and reworked version of the original SpriteWorld, which was written by Tony Myles...
Apple Error Codes '98
Apple Network Reference Guide
Look up system error codes for an English translation
MacTutor Index
Making It Macintosh
Apple develop Bookmark CD Issue 26 (June 1996)
Speech Lib
Library for use with Microsoft QuickBASIC.
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