Found 55 software entries in Misc from category: Development Tools

YP Vernier

YP Vernier (1999)
(Added on 2020-03-16 10:38:09)

With YP Vernier, it is easy to learn how to use a vernier to measure length with great precision.  YP Vernier simulates a vernier caliper on the screen.  Using a scroll bar, the user moves the movable jaw, and the corresponding numerical...

SpriteWorld 2

SpriteWorld 2 (1996)
(Modified on 2023-12-23 19:24:29)

SpriteWorld is a collection of routines Mac programmers can use to implement smooth, fast sprite animation in games and other applications. SpriteWorld 2 is an updated and reworked version of the original SpriteWorld, which was written by Tony Myles...

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