Found 196 software entries
from category: Books & Multimedia
US History
Steel Wood 2: Private Eye
Star Trek Omnipedia
Drivin' Route 66
The Madness of Roland
Time - Man of the Year
Time: Man of the Year CD-ROM introduces you to some of the most influential people of the 20th century. The Man of the Year section recaptures historic TIME cover stories from every Man of the Year issue — from 1927’s Charles...
Multimedia Audubon's Mammals
Apple CD-ROM Titles Sampler
Macintosh SE Tour
Lizzie McGuire - Fashion All Over It
"Lizzie McGuire - Fashion All Over It" was given at McDonalds restaurants in Junuary 2005 for kids, probably girls.
Batman: Partners in Peril
Follow Batman and Robin as they thwart the evil plans of the Penguin, the Riddler, and the Joker in this multimedia comic book. Based on footage from the 1960s Batman animated TV show. - (MobyGames)
Sound Library 2000
Kon-Tiki Interactive
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel
The classic tale of a little boy and his steam shovel might captivate nostalgic adults, but kids new to the earth-moving story of Mike and Mary Anne want more games. The four activities the title does offer range from navigating a maze to matching...
The Family Doctor 2nd Edition
Monarch Notes
With Open Eyes
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