Found 196 software entries
from category: Books & Multimedia
Apple Tape Backup 40SC Owners Guide 1987
Design Classics - The Apple Macintosh 1996 1983, a product called Mac XL — or Lisa — appeared on the market. It cost a good $10,000 in the United States and was supposed to ring in a new generation of computers. However, Lisa was destined to remain the failed predecessor...
MacWorld 8510 October 1985
Without mass storage that every Macintosh can access, your networked office won't have a prayer. Because you'll still have to share data by swapping floppies. And just consider how fast a floppy disk fills up with an entire workgroup...
The Original MacQuarium
It all started innocently enough. Someone wrote in to MacUser’s Help Folder column (written by yours truly and Bob Levitus truly) with a question regarding “The best way to upgrade a Mac 512.” Seeing an opportunity to make a weak...
Micron Xceed MacroColor 30 INSTALLATION GUIDE
Full installation guide (keyword searchable PDF) for the 24-bit PDS video card for the Apple Macintosh SE/30. This guide applies to the MacroColor 30 and MacroColor 30HR video cards.
Inside Macintosh (Russian)
Переведенная на русский документация по программированию для Макинтош. Inside Macintosh translated into Russian.
Star Trek Voyager Marketing CD-ROM
Zesty Bytes
A CD from Virgin Interactive containing trailers for the following games: Command & Conquer The Daedalus Encounter Lost Eden The 11th Hour Flight Unlimited Heart of Darkness Hodj 'n' Podj Lands of Lore II (Lands of...
Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion - A Series Guide and Script Library. Includes the Original Scripts and Video Trailers for All 178 Episodes. For seven seasons, Star Trek: The Next Generation captivated audiences with its eye-popping special...
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids
The collected
This is a PDF version of the website for off-line reading.
Triumph of the Nerds
The Big Mac Book
Wrapture Reels One
Puppet Motel - Laurie Anderson
Jump - David Bowie
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