Found 282 software entries
from category: Mac Info & Literature
Apple Nordic Intro Partners February 1993 CD
Read Me file verbatim About software and fonts This folder contains software and fonts for the CD Nordic Product Intro, feb-93. The general software (international versions) you´ll find directly in this folder. In each...
Apple TV Commercials
The Audible Macintosh
The complete guide to adding and using sound and music for presentations and multimedia on the Mac. Aimed at those needing background and tutorials and also experienced users seeking detailed information, this comprehensive survey contains...
MacAdvocate Spring 1997
Magazine: nibble mac 1987-03 PDF
Apple Tape Backup 40SC Owners Guide 1987
MacWorld 8405 May-June 1984
MacWorld 8510 October 1985
Without mass storage that every Macintosh can access, your networked office won't have a prayer. Because you'll still have to share data by swapping floppies. And just consider how fast a floppy disk fills up with an entire workgroup...
А. Иванов - Музыкальный Macintosh
Книга рассказывает о мире технологий Apple в той его части, которая касается мультимедиа, записи и создания музыки. Она написана просто о...
iMac In-store Demo Summer 1998
This pictures and this short movie I did on my own iMac G3 Lime!! I hope that you like and enjoy! iZier Museum / Ederson Zir
Apple Dreams (PowerCD, Audio Disc)
Mac Tech Notes 85-87
Disk images are in dc42 and DART format. Works with emulators and Floppy Emu. From the VintageMicros collection.
Vintage System 7.x Books (1991-1997)
Guide to Macintosh System 7.5.5 (1996) Introduction to Macintosh System 7 (1991) Mac OS 7.6 For Dummies (1997) Macintosh System 7 at Your Fingertips (1992) Macintosh System 7.5 For Dummies (1994) Macworld Mac OS 7.6 Bible (1997) Macworld...
MacFormat 21 (Feb. 1995) Magazine
MacFormat 23 (April 1995)
Quadra 950 Einführung (Getting Started) - Deutsch/German
MacFormat 27 (Aug. 95)
The collected
The collected is a PDF document containing 259 pages saved directly from the website which romancing the history of Apple and various key people who made the Macintosh history that we all know today...
MacFormat 03 (August 1993)
This is issue 3 of MacFormat, a U.K. Mac magazine, for August 1993.
A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C
A Hobbyist's Guide to Programming the Macintosh in C K. J. Bricknell This is not SW but a full manual to programming on Mac OS. These documents describe the Mac OS from the programming point of view and all aspects of the system calls...
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