Found 67 software entries in Misc from category: Clip Art

Mac OS Startup Screens

Mac OS Startup Screens (2007)
(Modified on 2020-03-06 17:36:31)

Instructions: You must have the ResEdit Application. ***Remember to copy all resources*** 1. Copy your System file from your System Folder to the Desktop.  (Hold Command+Option and drag the file to your Desktop) 2. Open the MOSS,...

Home Design

Home Design (1985)
(Modified on 2023-05-20 00:00:22)

Thinking of redoing your home interiors or designing a summer home? If the cost of calling in an interior consultant is not in your budget, call on Home Design. Home Design is a planning tool that consists of three art disks equipped with...


MegaClips (1997)
(Modified on 2023-09-05 23:10:23)

Based on Apple Media Tool, using its MediaBrowser part, this Clip Art collection comes with GraphicConverter 2.8 (68k + PPC architecture), both in German language.

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8388 (Mac OS 7.5.3)
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