Found 41 software entries in Misc from category: For Emulators

Mac OS 7.5.5 for Mini vMac

Mac OS 7.5.5 for Mini vMac (2024)
(Modified on 2024-03-18 16:35:43)

Old categories: For Emulators(ID# 134), Operating Systems(ID# 1276) This is a thing i made to fix the problem of installing 7.5.5 on Mini vMac. The problem is that in Mini vMac, you cant eject disks from the program, you can only from Mac OS. This...

PearPC Files and Tutorial (legacy)

PearPC Files and Tutorial (legacy) (0)
(Modified on 2023-10-24 08:07:43)

I made this like 400 years ago, cant promise these drivers for networking will work on modern systems but the emulator and tutorials are all valid for the emulator. Use at your own risk! I suggest running this on Windows XP in a Virtual Machine. I...


Worm (2000)
(Modified on 2023-09-19 18:29:59)

Worm is an old Macintosh Plus emulator, an alternative to Mini vMac. Worm was created by the author of SoftMac to kind of "show up" Mini vMac (then vMac).

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