Found 41 software entries
from category: For Emulators
XCode1.4.5 on PearPC for Windows
pearpc with OSX 10.3 and xcode, it runs on windows.
Mac System 7.5.3 for Basilisk (apps and games are included)
MacOS 3 HDD for emulators
Clean Install of Mac OS 3 (Macintosh Plus) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
Mac OS 7.5.5 for Mini vMac
Old categories: For Emulators(ID# 134), Operating Systems(ID# 1276) This is a thing i made to fix the problem of installing 7.5.5 on Mini vMac. The problem is that in Mini vMac, you cant eject disks from the program, you can only from Mac OS. This...
Disk For Mini vMac With Lots Of Software
Bootable Mini vMac disk image, with tons of software (including the very rare "UploadFI" application which allows you to upload a file (not a disk image) into the emulator) AND just over 200 MB of free space!
SheepShaver package by
Extract and open hypercard.sheepvm. This should boot Mac OS 9. On the Mac OS 9 desktop there should be a disk called "Unix". This is a virtual disk which actually lets you access files on your computer (eg. outside the emulator)....
PearPC Files and Tutorial (legacy)
I made this like 400 years ago, cant promise these drivers for networking will work on modern systems but the emulator and tutorials are all valid for the emulator. Use at your own risk! I suggest running this on Windows XP in a Virtual Machine. I...
Worm is an old Macintosh Plus emulator, an alternative to Mini vMac. Worm was created by the author of SoftMac to kind of "show up" Mini vMac (then vMac).
System 7.5.3 HFS
Installed image of Mac OS 7.5.3 for Basilisk II.
Mac OS 9.0.4 FR pour SheepShaver
Image minimale de Mac OS 9.0.4 pour SheepShaver avec des logiciels sympathiques comme Office 2001, Classila, quelques jeux classiques ainsi que des Tableaux de bord comme PowerWindows ou FinderPop.
Mac-on-Mac (Mac-on-Linux)
Mac-on-Mac was seemingly Mac-on-Linux with a more user friendly UI... Old website (very short-lived)
Mac OS 9.2.1 Install Disc for emulators
ATTENTION! This is not an upgrade disc, is a clean install disc for emulators such as QEMU!
MacBinary for Windows
Little utilty to create MacBinary files / strip the MacBinary header. Version 2.0 (C) 1996-1999 Logiciels & Services DUHEM, Paris.
Mac OS 6.0.8 (English) (Clean Copy)
Mac OS 6.0.8 (English) Clean Install on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
MacOS 7.0.1 (English) for emulators
Mac OS 7.0.1 (English) (Clean Copy) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
MacOS 7.5 (English) for emulators
MacOS 7.5 (English) (Clean Copy) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
MacOS 7.5.3 (English) for emulators
MacOS 7.5.3 (English) (Clean Copy) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
MacOS 7.5.5 (English) for emulators
MacOS 7.5.5 (English) (Clean Copy) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
Macintosh floppy emu HD image (system 6.0.5)
This floppy image should be compatible with most uses such as use with a BMOW Floppy emu Or use with Mini vMac. The following DSK file has been running on an actual macintosh and is known to work with systems that contain 1MB of ram (the...
System 7.5.5 Bootable SCSI 2GB disk image (for SCSI2SD, MacSD, Iomega Jaz, etc...)
This SCSI disk image consists of a single SCSI device hosting a single bootable 2GB HFS partition (2GB is the max HFS size). You can use Basilisk II to edit this disk image, add your favorite apps/games and any other file you want and then you...
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