Found 93 software entries in Misc from category: Icons

Matrix Icons

Matrix Icons (1999)
(Added on 2017-09-01 10:18:13)

This is an archive of colorful Matrix (movie) icons.  The icons themselves are Photoshop 5 documents of exactly the same 32x32 icon. The author is unknown and Photoshop 5.5 does not reveal any metadata, but this icons set was released on May...

Art Folders Icons (1-21)

Art Folders Icons (1-21) (1997)
(Modified on 2017-09-01 11:04:44)

Art Folders is a Macintosh freeware icon set that was massively distributed through various FTP such as Info-Mac and other public websites back in the late 90's.  Art Folders set depicts a ton of aspects of the Macintosh community by...

iMacSelectIcon.Vol.001 icons

iMacSelectIcon.Vol.001 icons (1998)
(Added on 2017-09-09 11:32:17)

iMacSelectIcons Vol.001 by Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design 1998 A gift for all you new iMac owners (and anyone else who appreciates quality design and icons). Since you have the coolest looking Mac on the market, why not have...

HD & Trash Icons

HD & Trash Icons (1998)
(Added on 2017-09-07 09:35:57)

The set contains 61 icons : Hard Disk icons with their matching Trash icons in six different color in four groups, Plain, Technoish, Glassy and Other. Good for hard disk partitions or stand alone.  The appropriate ResEdit files are also...

iFolders 2.0 - Beige edition

iFolders 2.0 - Beige edition (1999)
(Added on 2017-09-06 14:13:58)

iFolders 2.0 - Beige edition by Rick Roe - ©1999 You're perfectly happy to work on your old beige Power Mac. who needs all these fancy translucent colors anyway? You wouldn't leave your good old six-slot machine, or your...

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