Found 23 software entries
from category: Operating Systems
iDeneb 1.3 With 10.5.5 Leopard
iDeneb 1.3, i was making a hackintosh and found the software, i decided that it would be easier to find on here than on some shady website :) DISCLAIMER: This requires an EFI Boot lodaer, ill try to find iBoot, but please dont get mad,...
Mac System 6.0.8 for MiniVMac
System 6.0.8 was released for free by Apple in 1990 and later. The first DL is a pre-installed HDD image for the Mac Plus flavor of MiniVmac. The second DL is a pre-installed HDD image the MacII flavor, however I could not get this to boot w/ Mac...
Mac OS 8.1.HFV (68K, for BasiliskII)
Mac OS 7.5.3 (for emulators)
Mac OS 7.5.3 system software (specifically for emulators, multiple languages available)
Mac OS 9.0.4 (French) for SheepShaver [HOME MADE]
This highly customized Mac OS 9.0.4 environment for SheepShaver contains tons of extensions and add-ons. It was made by an user. Just attach this DMG to SheepShaver and boot.
Mac OS X 10.0 "Kodiak" Developer Preview 2 Premade QEMU Image
Apple Technical Information Source CD's
Mac OS 9.2.1 Install Disc for emulators
ATTENTION! This is not an upgrade disc, is a clean install disc for emulators such as QEMU!
Mac OS 7.5.5 for Mini vMac
Old categories: For Emulators(ID# 134), Operating Systems(ID# 1276) This is a thing i made to fix the problem of installing 7.5.5 on Mini vMac. The problem is that in Mini vMac, you cant eject disks from the program, you can only from Mac OS. This...
Nawcom´s Mod
Mac OS X 10.4.1 for x86 (aka the deadmoo image)
Installation Instructions
iATKOS Version 7 (Leopard)
JaS OS X - Intel Tiger 10.4.8
Hackintosh DVD to boot and install OSX Tiger onto vintage stock PCs.
Kalyway 10.5.2 for Intel and AMD
iATKOS S3 Version 2 (Snow Leopard)
Produktinfo Spezial August 1997 (Includes German Mac OS 8 Beta 2)
See also: Other Produktinfo CD's from 1997
System 7.5.3 HFS
Installed image of Mac OS 7.5.3 for Basilisk II.
MacOS 3 HDD for emulators
Clean Install of Mac OS 3 (Macintosh Plus) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
Mac OS 6.0.8 (English) (Clean Copy)
Mac OS 6.0.8 (English) Clean Install on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
MacOS 7.0.1 (English) for emulators
Mac OS 7.0.1 (English) (Clean Copy) on a 100MB hard drive image for use with an emulator.
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