Found 86 software entries
from category: Manuals, Scans & Books
MacFormat 23 (April 1995)
The Audible Macintosh
The complete guide to adding and using sound and music for presentations and multimedia on the Mac. Aimed at those needing background and tutorials and also experienced users seeking detailed information, this comprehensive survey contains...
MacFormat 28 (Sep. 1995)
MacFormat 27 (Aug. 95)
The Original MacQuarium
It all started innocently enough. Someone wrote in to MacUser’s Help Folder column (written by yours truly and Bob Levitus truly) with a question regarding “The best way to upgrade a Mac 512.” Seeing an opportunity to make a weak...
MacFormat 03 (August 1993)
This is issue 3 of MacFormat, a U.K. Mac magazine, for August 1993.
MACup Komplett '96
MacFormat 25 (June 1995)
Mac OS X Leopard: Основное руководство
Russian edition of Mac OS X Leopard: The Missing Manual
Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard в подлиннике
Russian edition of Mac OS X Leopard: Beyond the Manual.
Apple Macintosh: Все, что Вы хотели знать, но боялись спросить
Компания Apple продолжает активно наращивать число пользователей своих ПК. Сегодня это уже не только специалисты в области обработки...
Apple Macintosh: Персональный компьютер
Книга содержит: история Apple; описание компьютеров Apple Macintosh; периферия; операционные системы; азы работы; сетевые технологии и много...
Vintage Panther Books
How to Do Everything with Mac OS X Panther Learning Unix for Mac OS X Panther Mac OS X Panther for Unix Geeks Mac OS X Panther Hacks Mac OS X Panther in a Nutshell, 2nd ed Mac OS X Panther QuickSteps Mac OS X Panther Timesaving Techniques For...
Vintage Mac OS 8.x Books
Emergency Handbook for Mac OS 8.1 (1998) Mac OS 8 Revealed (1996) Mac OS 8.5 Black Book (1999) Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS 8.5 in 24 Hours (1999) The Complete Idiots Guide to Mac OS 8.5 (1998) The Mac OS 8 Book (1997) Using Mac OS 8.5 (1998)
Vintage Mac OS 9 Books
Mac OS 9 For Dummies Mac OS 9 The Complete Reference Mac OS 9 The Missing Manual MacWorld Mac OS 9 Bible
Vintage AppleScript Books
Apple Automator with AppleScript Bible (2010) Apple Training Series AppleScript 1-2-3 (2009) AppleScript (Developer Reference) (2010) AppleScript for Absolute Starters (2003) AppleScript in a Nutshell (2001) AppleScript Language Guide...
Vintage MacBASIC Books
Introduction to Macintosh BASIC (1984) The Macintosh BASIC Handbook (1984) Using Macintosh BASIC (1985)
MDD hard drive caddy design
This is an MDD hard drive caddy. It was designed to allow you to use the Kingwin SATA -> PATA adapter (possibly others) or your normal SATA controller. If you move the Mac around, you should consider using a screw in the top as it does not...
Magazine: nibble mac 1987-03 PDF
Macintosh DA-15 to VGA DE-15 video adapters
These are adapters to convert the video signal from your old Macintosh to a suitable output for a more modern VGA monitor. Both standard VGA and Macintosh video are D-subminiature connectors with 15 pins, and both are commonly called DB-15, ...
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