Found 8 software entries
from category: Word Processing & Publishing
Arabic Language Kit
The Arabic Language Kit software is the easiest, most affordable way to add Arabic and Persian text to your documents. You can switch effortlessly between the computer's main language and Arabic and Persian. The Kit lets you enter, edit and...
Japanese Language Kit 1.2
The Japanese Language Kit contains everything you need to easily add Japanese to your documents. You can even work with files created in KanjiTalk, Apple's Japanese version for the Macintosh operating system. The Kit lets you input, edit and...
Template & Clip for Excel & Word [ja_JP]
ClarisWorks for Windows 1.0
ClarisWorks for Windows 5.0
ClarisWorks for Windows 3.0 [da_DK, de_DE]
ClarisDraw 1.0v2 for Windows [fr_FR]
ClarisWorks for Windows 4.0

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