Found 8 software entries
from category: Emulators
Basilisk II (Android Build)
Blank hard drive disk images HFS/HFS+ (from 100MB up to 120GB)
All these download files consist of extremely compressed empty disk images for emulators (such as SheepShaver or Basilisk II) that are to be used as hard drive to store files and/or the operating system. Once inflated, they will instantly take...
Mini vMac DS
This is a Macintosh Plus emulator for the Nintendo DS. It is a port of Paul C. Pratt's Mini vMac, which is base upon upon Richard F. Bannister’s Macintosh port of vMac (originally written by by Philip Cummins and...
Mac OS 9.0.4 (French) for SheepShaver [HOME MADE]
This highly customized Mac OS 9.0.4 environment for SheepShaver contains tons of extensions and add-ons. It was made by an user. Just attach this DMG to SheepShaver and boot.
Fusion PC
Fusion PC 3.0 is a 68K emulator for DOS. It emulates 68K Mac OS (Mac OS 8 and 7 are shown in the screenshots). Fusion PC will also run in a DOS window under Windows 95 or 98.
Mac System 7.5.3 for Basilisk (apps and games are included)
Macintosh Application Environment 1.0 (SPARC-Solaris)
Xmac (Mini vMac for Xbox Original)
Xmac is an xbox port of minivmac, a mac plus emulator. Author's website (Wayback Machine)

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Downloads last 24h = 1580 : 328263.5MB
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