Found 41 software entries
from category: For Emulators
Pre-Configured PearPC for Windows
Warning: I do not recommend PearPC for any serious emulation, it's kind of sluggish, has no sound support and only emulates a G3 (You can emulate a G4, but Mac OS hates it) Setup is easy. Extract the archive and drag the PearPC...
Mac System 6.0.8 for MiniVMac
System 6.0.8 was released for free by Apple in 1990 and later. The first DL is a pre-installed HDD image for the Mac Plus flavor of MiniVmac. The second DL is a pre-installed HDD image the MacII flavor, however I could not get this to boot w/ Mac...
Mac OS 8.1.HFV (68K, for BasiliskII)
Blank floppy disk images (800KB + 1.4MB)
These are blank floppy disk images that you can mount using DiskCopy that is provided with Mac OS, but they are different than the ones you can create with it because they are binary safe and can be transfered anywhere (PC, internet, USB disk,...
Mac OS 9.2.1 Install Disc for emulators
ATTENTION! This is not an upgrade disc, is a clean install disc for emulators such as QEMU!
Basilisk II (Android Build)
NeXT Hardware ROMs
This is a set of the ROMs used in NeXT Inc.'s line of hardware it includes ROMs for: The NeXT Computer (The Original 68030 model), The NeXTcube, The NeXTcube Turbo, The NeXTstation (color and monochrome), the NeXTstation Turbo (color and...
Blanks (hard drive files) for Mini vMac
For use with Mini vMac or any emulator supporting raw HFS disk images. This is a variety of disk images with different sizes and types. Disk image sizes include... Apple II floppies: 128K to 896K MFS and HFS floppies: 400K, 800K,...
Disk image wrap tutorial Mini vMac package
This package is just Mini vMac with a stripped down, bare minimum, System 7.5.3 OS, various decoding and mounting tools for various file formats and some empty floppy disk image files. For use with the "How to wrap loose old Mac files into a...
Sistem 7.5.3 Yükle [CUSTOM MADE]
1. Kurulum Diskini Takıyoruz 2. Kurulumun Açılmasını Bekliyoruz 3. Sürdür'e Tıklayın 4. Sistemi Kurmak istediğiniz diski Takıyoruz 5. Yükle'ye Tıklayın 6. Tamamlandıktan Sonra İş Bitti'ye...
Mac Plus floppy with games
Bootable 800KB floppy disk image for Mac Plus and up (or Mini vMac). Contains System 6.0.5, Finder 6.1.5 Games: Frenzy, Kid Pix 1.0, Lode Runner 1.0, Mac Pong II, MacBugs, MemMgr, Mine Sweeper, Missle Command 3.0 Apps: MacWrite 1.6, Icon...
Mac OS 7.5.3 (for emulators)
Mac OS 7.5.3 system software (specifically for emulators, multiple languages available)
Blank hard drive disk images HFS/HFS+ (from 100MB up to 120GB)
All these download files consist of extremely compressed empty disk images for emulators (such as SheepShaver or Basilisk II) that are to be used as hard drive to store files and/or the operating system. Once inflated, they will instantly take...
"Mac OS 9 for OSX" (SheepShaver for dummies)
This is a zero configuration SheepShaver package for dummies. All the user has to do is launch the program file and the Mac OS 9 emulator boots. There is no ROM to configure and no path to set. It comes with a 4GB virtual hard...
HFVExplorer 1.3.1 (for Windows)
HFVExplorer is a very useful Windows tool that can create, format, read and write HFS floppies, hard disks and disk images on a PC. HFVExplorer is especially useful in the case of transfering the first Mac OS to floppy disks in order to...
GTK+ 2.10.13 for Basilisk II or SheepShaver on Windows
If Basilisk II for Windows fails to run ("libglib dll is missing" error) you will need to install GTK+. Newer versions of GTK+ may have problems with Basilisk.
Mac OS 7.6.1 FRENCH pre-installed / DSK image for Basilisk II
This is a fresh install of Mac OS 7.6.1 Français for 68K Macs and this DSK image can be used directly for booting up the Basilisk II emulator ;-) In the downloads, there is also another Mac OS 7.6.1 Français DSK image, same version...
Mini vMac DS
This is a Macintosh Plus emulator for the Nintendo DS. It is a port of Paul C. Pratt's Mini vMac, which is base upon upon Richard F. Bannister’s Macintosh port of vMac (originally written by by Philip Cummins and...
Mac OS X 10.0 "Kodiak" Developer Preview 2 Premade QEMU Image
Mac OS 9.0.4 (French) for SheepShaver [HOME MADE]
This highly customized Mac OS 9.0.4 environment for SheepShaver contains tons of extensions and add-ons. It was made by an user. Just attach this DMG to SheepShaver and boot.

To date, Macintosh Repository served 3386330 old Mac files, totaling more than 683754.5GB!
Downloads last 24h = 1625 : 346089.2MB
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