Found 98 software entries
from category: Icons
Personal Collection of Over 15,000 Icons
Collection of over 13,000 icons from Mac OS 8, 9 and early OS X eras.
Macintosh, Simpsons, Flat Eric, and More Icons
Ikthusian arts icons 2/2 (junk drawer, LaLaLand, MacMania, Munderful, retroish, the_nondescrips, whatever)
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. See also: Ikthusian arts icons part 1/2 From the author: Thanks for taking the time to download what I hope you find a fun, friendly, non-caloric, and environmentally-friendly set if...
Grouping of random sets of icons found on the SVMac CD # 4 of July 1995.
retro mac os/os x pack
Contains 2500 icons and default desktop wallpapers from Mac OS X 10.0 to 10.9. Also contains 3 Intel macOS utility apps: cDock - customize the dock LiteIcon - change icons Menu bar tint - get the menu bar tint
MacUser's Custom Icon Pack IV
From the README: January 30, 1997 • The Concept Once upon a time, I (Mark Simmons) was leafing condescendingly through a Windows-oriented publication, when I caught sight of some very good icon craftsmanship — to wit, the...
400 Cartoons Icons
Icon sets by Iron Devil (Tomoyuki Miyano)
Icon sets by Hide Itoh
Ikthusian arts icons 1/2 (ALIVE, creativejuices, Dog's Life, edibles, geometria_noir/tech, huh, interfacials)
Ikthusian arts icons are sets made by Brian Brasher. The ALIVE set includes 26 colorful cartoon style icons and the creativejuices set includes 8. Dog's Life set contains 23 icons about everything a dog likes. Edibles set is 23...
AppleScript Icons
From the read me file: AppleScript Icons ©1999 Rick Roe Okay, I'll admit it. I'm an AppleScript nut. I've got scripts all over my system doing all sorts of things automagically. My credo is, "Why do something yourself...
PowerMac HD icons 1.2
PowerMac HD icons 1.2 is a collection of 27 colorful icons representing various G3 and G4 Macs, such as: iMacs, iBooks and PowerBooks.
Mac Noir icons (The Breakfast + Skolnick)
Mac Noir - The Breakfast Set and Skolnick are B&W icon sets made by Cindy Yep. They were completely designed and drawn on the Macintosh SE known as "Laslo". Made to promote the lost art of two-tone (black and white only)...
Cartoon Network Icons
NeXTSpirit Icons Sets
Disk Icons vol. 1
5 colorful floppy disk and 5 zip disk icons.
Mac OS 7, 8 & 9 default hard drive icons
Basilisk II and SheepShaver default to the 2D Mac OS 7 style hard drive icon even when running OS 8 and 9, so for anyone who wants the standard OS 8.0-8.1 and 8.5-9.0 icons they are packaged in .sit in this download. Just extract with StuffIt...
Rhapsody icons
This is a miscellaneous Rhapsody icon set gathered together by an unknown person in 1998.
Starships 1.1 - 3D Star Trek Icons
Ron's Computer Videos Icon Pack!
Ever since I was a youngster in this hobby, I always wanted to create an icon pack for myself! I figured that it was finally time to make it happen. Please enjoy these silly little icons I created that are centered around my "Ron's...
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