Found 96 software entries in Misc from category: Fonts

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts!

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts! (1984)
(Modified on 2023-01-27 07:27:18)

Mac the Knife Vol. 2 - Fonts! contains over two dozen new fonts. Some of these (Paris and Stuttgart, for example are real stunners). If you do a lot of word processing try Paris 9 point (it's a big 9 point) as your text face and use high quality...

Apple Garamond Font

Apple Garamond Font (1991)
(Modified on 2023-01-07 18:57:05)

Apple Garamond is Apple's corporate typeface. By consistently using the same typeface in our external communications, we have built up a recognizable style that helps our customers quickly identify our messages and our products. Now, using...


AquaKana.otf (2011)
(Modified on 2022-08-07 09:54:06)

AquaKana is the font used on MacOSX systems up to OSXYosemite. It is also enclosed in the "fonts" folder in current macOS. (I don't know what that means. But AquaKana is a beautiful font, and I suspect Apple is keeping it for...

MacUser's Creative Juices

MacUser's Creative Juices (2002)
(Added on 2022-01-04 19:43:24)

Free High-Res Stock Images worth over £1300 Key software including: Photoshop 7 Dreamweaver MX Fireworks MX   Free resources: Alamy high-res images Recommended fonts Sound effects   Creative...

60 Random Fonts

60 Random Fonts (0)
(Modified on 2020-03-15 06:08:38)

Contains: Akzidenz Grotesk aperto aperto - linotype AvantGarde Battlestar Bauhaus Bible Script Bodoni Family Californian - Font Bureau CCDivineRight Century Gothic DIN Eurostile FF DAX FFGothic Figheadh T1 Franklin...

6000 Mac Fonts

6000 Mac Fonts (0)
(Modified on 2020-03-14 19:11:24)

Contains: 6809chargen a.d.-mono-tt-t1 Folder A.LewisTrueType AbductV3 Folder Acid Bath Action Is (PS/TT) airboytt Folder AlanDen(TT)Folder alientt Folder allhearts-tt Folder Alphabetf amarillousaftt Folder Ambrosia...

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